Stay with me

What scares me the most is not my cellulite, neither my wobbly stomach. I am not afraid of you seeing the fat around my body and neither is introducing my son to you. What I don’t want you to know and see and touch is the mental burden I carry with me all the time. I fear the moment I will tremble and start crying for no apparent reason. I worry about the moment I will have to talk to you, telling you all my story. I can’t ignore it, I want to change but I can’t avoid all this bad inheritance. Your lack of understanding concerns me, as well as your judgement. Will you belittle my suffering or will you accept it and stay strong with me?

Waking up, dressing up, going to the gym, all of these actions may look effortless to you, not to me.

I am good and I do my best to stay mentally and physically strong, I just want you to know that sometimes, somedays even the simplest action takes a lot of energy and effort.

No matter who you are, stay with me, not down but up, always up, on the side of the mountain where the path gets tougher stay with me.